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4 Reasons To Relocate During a Pandemic

There’s no question that the global pandemic has changed people’s lives. From the ways we learn and earn a living to how we spend our free time, few people have avoided making changes since the global pandemic began. Someone with an associate’s degree might be considering returning to school to move up in the healthcare field through online learning, while another who just lost their job could be considering coursework to become an administrator or changing their lifestyle completely by moving into an RV. Many people are taking the additional step of relocating during the pandemic and for good reason. To understand why and to get ideas on why you might want to, too, read on.

1. Getting Away from the City and Social Distancing

A big reason many people in the U.S. are moving during the global pandemic is to get out of big cities where they are no longer able to access the amenities and perks that come with city living. For example, a person who moved to Atlanta might have moved there because of a job opportunity or for the city’s nightlife and culture. From theaters to social gatherings, a big city like Atlanta has a lot to offer when it comes to culture. With clubs, museums, restaurants and more under restrictions, it’s easy to understand why living in a tighter space with a big population without those perks might not be as appealing.

For people who have lost jobs, it might even be too expensive to pay city housing costs, and moving belongings into Atlanta self storage could serve as the right solution for now while they move back to rural hometowns with intentions to return to the city after the pandemic. A storage unit obviously costs much less than a mortgage or rent.

Outside the city, social distancing is easier, and by buying a new home in the country, many people are finding that they’re having a great experience enjoying nature and living a slower lifestyle for the first time. Able to step back and access their career goals and occupations away from the city, some are even opting for new careers.

2. Exploring New Opportunities

For those who have lost jobs in the United States because of the pandemic, moving might mean a chance to explore new opportunities. With the real estate market booming, many families are finding luck through tools like AcreBin where they’re able to find affordable land to start over in a new chapter of their lives. Craving more space and dedicated to the entire process of moving and finding new opportunities, these people are doing all they can to make the best of a difficult situation.

Maybe you have a bachelor’s degree in nursing but always wanted to earn a master’s degree in healthcare administration. Where tuition rates might have been out of reach in the past, by moving, it could now be possible to have enough money to enroll and an online program. That is, as unlikely as it might have seemed, the pandemic is opening up new goals and dreams for many. Moving and real estate transactions are a big part of what’s making that happen.

3. Being Closer to Family and Supports

For some families, returning to their hometowns or moving back in with parents or other family members makes the most sense right now. Whether it’s for daycare purposes or to help with homeschooling while a parent returns to school to earn a degree in healthcare, or to help older parents out to lower their chances of becoming infected with Covid-19, many families are finding that moving home makes sense for now. By moving in with an extended family member, they avoid application fees for an apartment, can save money for goals like medical school or a master’s program they hope to complete, and can pool resources for utility bills and other expenses.

4. Working and Schooling Remotely

The pandemic has taught us about the ease of working remotely. For some people, the pandemic has prompted them to return to school while working remotely. Savvy professionals are making the most of the quarantines to return to school to complete general education requirements, study the principles of managing, learn how to work for home health agencies or change their career path entirely. With the ability to work and learn remotely, now is a great time for people to reassess their lives and move to places with low costs of living.

At the end of the day, the global pandemic has changed lives in a number of ways. If you’ve relocated or are considering relocating during the pandemic, the best thing you can do is think about the silver lining that has come with these unconventional times: a challenge to rethink our lives.

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